Author: Admin

Important work by Griffith University highlighting real risks for Victoria’s electricity supply
Important work was undertaken by Griffith University which points to real risks for the state in electricity supply and points to perverse outcomes likely to result from the Victorian state government’s enforced electrification approach and its anti-gas war. The paper by Paul Simshauser and Joel Gilmore, the Herald Sun story […]

The state government’s massive increases in gas exploration fees
The state government maintained a long-running ban on gas exploration and, even now this is officially lifted, its extreme and ideological anti-gas stance continues. Last year it quietly gazetted massive increases in exploration fees for permits like the 318% increase for a gas exploration permit pointed to in the Herald […]

Labor’s undemocratic, forced, high-rise, high-density dystopia across Melbourne
Petition against high density activity centers

See my question to the Minister for Skills and TAFE below, and my point of order following her inadequate response
My question to the Minister for Skills and TAFE: My point of order in response to the Minister’s unsatisfactory and inadequate answer:

The Victorian Planning Ministers response to our petition
Below you can access the planning minister’s extraordinary response to a petition signed by almost 4000 people. minister-for-planning-response-to-petition-600—received-26-novemeber-2024 Below you can access the analysis of the minister’s response by emeritus professor Michael Buxton. Minister’s response to petition Below you can access our petition. Petition for high density activity centers

Your views on Chris Uhlmann’s contribution
I am interested in your view for this important and well-informed contribution by respected journalist Chris Uhlmann. Please complete the survey below.

Have your say – Labor’s undemocratic, forced, high-rise, high-density dystopia in Monash, Glen Eira and Stonnington.
Petition for high density activity centers