1 - 011B, 670 Chapel St South Yarra VIC. 3141


Labor’s undemocratic, forced, high-rise, high-density dystopia across Melbourne

                                                    Petition against high density activity centers

The Victorian Planning Ministers response to our petition

Below you can access the planning minister’s extraordinary response to a petition signed by almost 4000 people. minister-for-planning-response-to-petition-600—received-26-novemeber-2024 Below you can access the analysis of the minister’s response by emeritus professor Michael Buxton. Minister’s response to petition Below you can access our petition. Petition for high density activity centers

Sign the petition to reduce the Ashwood Shopping Centre speed limit to 40 km/h (Warrigal Rd, from May Park Ave to Fakenham Rd)

The current 60 km/h speed limit on Warrigal road near the Ashwood Shopping Centre does not allow sufficient time for drivers to react and stop at the traffic lights near the shopping centre. This poses a significant risk to pedestrians crossing the busy area. Sign the petition below request the […]

Tell us about your experience with local hospitals

Please complete the survey below to tell us about your experience with local hospitals.

Have Your Say – Ashburton & Glen Iris Community Forum

Please complete the survey below to have your say on issues affecting Ashburton & Glen Iris.

Have Your Say – Prahran Community Forum

Please complete the survey below to have your say on issues in Prahran.