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The state government’s massive increases in gas exploration fees

The state government maintained a long-running ban on gas exploration and, even now this is officially lifted, its extreme and ideological anti-gas stance continues.  Last year it quietly gazetted massive increases in exploration fees for permits like the 318% increase for a gas exploration permit pointed to in the Herald Sun.  To compound this the government has also already gazetted a further massive increase to permit fees to apply from 1 July 2025.  The total increases in permit fees, including exploration, will exceed 450%.  Victoria is short of gas, and it is a bizarre approach to disincentivise those firms, large and small, which may seek to explore and extract onshore conventional gas.  We have strongly opposed these increases. The front-page Herald Sun Story, my news release and a table which lays out the increases are linked below.

The Herald Stun story can be read by clicking here.

My news release can be read by clicking here.

The table which lays out the increases can be seen by clicking here.