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Lift Andrews’ Curfew Now!

Labor’s curfew is not based on health evidence nor on a request from the police.  It appears to be dreamed up by Daniel Andrews in his bunker at 1 Treasury Place. 

He’s out of touch.

Next week, in the Upper House, I will move this motion:

That this House

(1)          notes —

(a)          the decision by the Government to impose a curfew, commencing at 8.00 p.m. on Sunday, 2 August 2020, was not based on health advice;

(b)          the Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, has said “The curfew came in as part of the State of Disaster … It wasn’t a State of Emergency requirement … I was consulted on it, but it was a separate decision-making pathway”;

(c)           that the Premier, the Hon Daniel Andrews MP, has not explained where the advice to impose a curfew came from;

(2)          requires, in accordance with Standing Order 11.01, the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council to table in the Council, by 2.00 p.m. Friday, 18 September 2020, copies of the briefs and other materials upon which the decision to impose a curfew was based; and

(3)          calls on the Government to immediately lift the curfew due to the unjustified imposition on our liberties and freedoms.

Show your support for our position: lifting the curfew

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Lift Andrews curfew immediately